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Promptly apps can be defined using YAML instead of the UI. This is useful when you want to version control your apps or create apps programmatically.


You can see the YAML definition of an app by clicking on the UI / YAML toggle button on the bottom left of the app editor.


Following is an example YAML definition of an app:

name: Website Chatbot
type_slug: text-chat
description: "Chatbot that answers questions from website visitors"
welcome_message: Hello
assistant_image: null
- description: Enter your question here
name: question
title: Question
type: string
markdown: |
- id: _inputs1
name: Text-Chat
description: Conversation style question and answering from provided data
provider_slug: promptly
processor_slug: text_chat
model: gpt-3.5-turbo
- 98146759-d853-4d9d-8f17-3c7f891ebf81
system_message_prefix: You are a helpful chat assistant
instructions: >-
You are a chatbot that uses the provided context to answer the user's

If you cannot answer the question based on the provided context, say you
don't know the answer.

No answer should go out of the provided input. If the provided input is
empty, return saying you don't know the answer.

Keep the answers terse.
show_citations: false
citation_instructions: >-
Use source value to provide citations for the answer. Citations must be
in a new line after the answer.
k: 8
chat_history_limit: 20
temperature: 0.7
use_azure_if_available: true
use_localai_if_available: false
chat_history_in_doc_search: 0
hybrid_semantic_search_ratio: 0.75
seed: null
question: "{{_inputs0.question}} "
output_template: {}

The YAML definition of an app has the following structure:

  • name: The name of the app.
  • type_slug: The slug of the app type.
  • description: The description of the app.
  • config: The configuration of the app.
  • input_fields: The input fields of the app.
  • output_template: The output template of the app.
  • processors: The processors of the app.

App Types

The following app types are supported:

  • text-chat: Text chat app.
  • web: Web app.
  • agent: Agent app.

App Configuration

The following configuration options are supported:

  • welcome_message: The welcome message to display to the user.
  • assistant_image: The image to display for the assistant.
  • suggested_messages: The suggested messages to display to the user.

Input Fields

The following input field types are supported:

  • string: String input field.
  • number: Number input field.
  • boolean: Boolean input field.
  • text: Text input field.
  • file: File input field.
  • voice: Voice input field.
  • select: Select input field.

    For select input field, values must be provided as label:value pairs separated by commas.

Output Template

The following output template types are supported:

  • markdown: Markdown output template.


Processor definitions are defined as a list of processor objects. Each processor object has the following structure:

  • id: The ID of the processor.
  • name: The name of the processor.
  • description: The description of the processor.
  • provider_slug: The slug of the processor provider.

    Refer to the Processors section for a list of supported processors, their slugs, and their providers.

  • processor_slug: The slug of the processor.
  • config: The configuration of the processor.
  • input: The input of the processor.
  • output_template: The output template of the processor. This is needed when the processor is used as a tool in an agent.