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There are three types of apps that can be built using Promptly:

  • Workflows - Workflows are apps that can be used to automate tasks. They are useful for performing tasks that are repetitive or time-consuming using LLM chains and tools.

  • Agents - Agents are autonomous apps that can perform tasks on your behalf. Agents use the provided tools to perform tasks. For example, you can create an agent to act as an SDR (Sales Development Representative) and use it to send emails to your leads, using the processors provided by Promptly as tools. Agents can be deployed on the web, integrated into existing products using API or triggered from other platforms like Slack, Discord etc.

  • Voice Agents - Voice agents provide a conversational interface to your agents. They allow you to employ your agents in voice conversations, and have them perform tasks like sending emails, scheduling meetings, etc. With integrations to platforms like Twilio, Voice agents can be used to automate phone calls.